Vaidyaratnam Title from British Viceroy
Ashtavaidyan E.T.Narayanan Mooss(1872-1946) received the Vaidyaratnam Title from British Viceroy Lord reading in 1924

Padmashri Ashtavaidyan Neelakandhan Mooss
India's prestigious award, "Padmashri" was given to Ashtavaidyan Neelakandhan Mooss by the Government of India, in the year 1992.

Swadeshi Puraskar for illustrious services to ayurveda received from Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee

PADMA BHUSHAN E.T. Narayanan Mooss
India's prestigious award, ‘Padmabhooshan’ was given to E.T. Narayanan Mooss by the Government of India, in the year 2010.

FICCI Award for receiving the Best Pharmaceuticals (Ayurveda)
FICCI Award for receiving the Best Pharmaceuticals (Ayurveda) award from Shashi Tharoor, MP at the FICCI Made In Kerala Awards 2023 in Kochi.

Ayurved Trigun Award by the Vaidya Brihaspati Dev Triguna Trust
Astavaidyan Dr.E.T Neelakandhan Mooss, Managing Director, Vaidyaratnam Group received the Ayurved Trigun Award by the Vaidya Brihaspati Dev Triguna Trust

Guru at Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth
2024- Ashtavaidyan Dr. ET Neelakandhan Mooss selected as a Guru at Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth

Times of India Business Award 2024 - Excellence in Ayurvedic Healthcare
2024 - Vaidyaratnam Group wins the prestigious Times Business Award for Excellence in Ayurvedic Healthcare.