Be young even when you get older

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28 August 2024

Everyone aspires to be forever young. The older you get the older your feel physically and mentally. The vigor and vitality seems to be going down as your age. But the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda has formulations which keeps you young even as you get older.

Vigorvolt Tablet – Be young the natural way

Vigorvolt Tablet from Vaidyaratnam has properties that invigorate your body and keeps your energy and youthfulness intact as your body gets older. How the different contents in the medicine works is detailed below. The actions of herbs and Nutraceutical attributes in Vigorvolt, Arginine and Citrulline elicit a wholesome function to maintain normal Vigour and Vitality in males and acts against erectile dysfunction problems.

Aswangandha will rejuvenate you
Aswagandha is one of the major herbal components of geriatric tonics mentioned in Indian systems of medicine. In the traditional system of medicine Ayurveda, this plant is claimed to have potent aphrodisiac rejuvenative and life prolonging properties. The traditional use of ‘Ashwagandha’ was to increase energy, youthful vigour, endurance, strength, health, nurture the time elements of the body, increase vital fluids, muscle fat, blood, lymph, semen and cell production. It helps counteract chronic fatigue, weakness, dehydration, bone weakness, loose teeth, thirst, impotency, premature aging emaciation, debility, convalescence and muscle tension.

It helps invigorate the body by rejuvenating the reproductive organs, just as a tree is invigorated by feeding the roots. The Mucuna seeds are astringent, laxative, anthelmintic, aphrodisiac and tonic. M. pruriens Seeds possess the activity of different ailments of anabolic, androgenic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antivenom, aphrodisiac, febrifuge, cholesterol lowering, hypoglycemic, immune modulator, antilithiatic, antibacterial, antiparasitic, cough suppressant, blood purifier, carminative, hypotensive, and uterine stimulant properties. Curculigoside have shown to have Aphrodisiac and spermatogenic activity.

Curculigo orchioides is widely referred to possess Aphrodisiac activity in Ayurveda. Trapa bispinosa referred as Singhara in ayurveda is mentioned to have Aphrodisiac activity, astringent, appetizer, anti-pyretic, constipating, diuretic properties. Abutilon indicum is a traditional medicinal plant used for treating impotence. Arginine and Citrulline are amino acids, that increases nitric oxide and increase blood flow which are beneficial effects on exercise performance and treating erectile dysfunctions.

Vigorvolt Tablet for men from Vaidyaratnam Oushadhasala offers a natural and effective solution to maintain youthfulness and energy. Trusted for its purity and efficacy, it's a great choice for those seeking energy and vitality. Visit our online store today and experience the benefits of Ayurveda for yourself! 


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