‘From Piles to Smiles'

Pilonil table: It is an Ayurvedic proprietary medicine from Vaidyaratnam oushadhasala useful in the treatment of  haemorrhoids. The product is presented in the  forms of tablet  containing 8 ingredients Lajjalu, Surana, Harithaki, Vibithaki, Amalaki, Guggulu, Nagapushpa and Erandamoola.

Indications: Arshas

Experiential wisdom :

Dosage : 1 to 2  tablets after food or as directed by the physician .

Ingredients :

Each tablet prepared out of :

Cumulative Pharmacological properties of the formulation

Rasa: Kashaya thiktha katu amla madhura

Guna: Laghu ruksha

Virya: Ushna

Vipaka: Katu

Cumulative Pharmacological action of the formulation

Doshakarma: Tridoshahara, especially kaphahara

Dhathukarma: Medohara,Balya

Malakarma: Anulomana

Agnikarma: Deepana

Anyakarma: Arshoghna

Supportive Phytoconstituents :

Mimosine, flavonoids, alkaloids and terpenoids (Mimosa pudica) ,Guggulsterone , Eugenol, ellagic acid alpha –pinene, masumbinoic acid and masumbinone ( Commiphora mukul),  Gallic acid, ferulic acid and ascorbic acid (Terminalia bellirica).

Pharmacodynamics :

The mechanism of action is a large internal hemorrhoid prolapse. The sphincter mechanism squeezes, incarcerating the internal hemorrhoids and strangulating them. The resulting spasm causes edema and occasionally thrombosis of the external hemorrhoids. The resulting pain and swelling are dramatic and very painful.

On analysing this  formula , it shows the following Pharmacological actions