‘Cool Body, Clear Mind’
Pancharavinda choorna is the kalka part of Pancharavinda Ghrutha yoga that is mentioned in Ashtangahrudaya Utharasthana Rasayana Adhyaya. It is prepared out of five parts of Padma beeja,kanda,kesara,mrinala,moola.
Ashtavaidya practices: Sleep disorders
Experiential wisdom:
Dosage:5 g to be taken twice daily or as directed by the physician.
Additive: With milk
Each 10g prepared out of:
Pharmacological properties of the formulation :
Rasa: Kashaya,Madhura,Thiktha
Guna: Ruksha,laghu
Virya: Sheetha
Vipaka: Madhura
Cumulative Pharmacological action of the formulation:
Doshakarma: Pithahara
Dhathukarma: Rakthaprasadhana,corrects the ayarana of rasa.
Srothokarma: Sthambhana
Anyakarma: Trishnadahanivaranam, Balya, Brimhana,Vrisya, Sangrahi.
Supportive Phytoconstituents:
Phytochemical analysis results indicated that the lotus extracts contained phenolic acids, including gallic acid, ferulic acid, and p-coumaric acid, and flavonoids, in different amounts, depending on each lotus plant part. Total phenolic contents (TPCs) and total anthocyanidin contents (TACs) also indicated that stamen and old leaf extracts contained the highest phenolic contents.
Expected Pharmacological Actions:Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Nootropics, Antidiarrhoeal, Antiadepogenic, Diuretic, Antipyretic, Cardiovascular, Antiviral, Analgesics, Immunomodulatory, Hepatoprotective, Anti-infective
Ayurvedic point of view:
This formulation is predominant of kashaya, madhura, thiktha rasa with laghu, ruksha, guna shows pithakapha shamaka property. All the ingredients of this combination are having rasayana, bala vardhaka and vrishya properties.
Lotus seed is a rich source of GABA and L-tryptophan. GABA as an inhibitory neurotransmitter plays an important role in regulating neurotrophic activity in the CNS of mammals. L-tryptophan (Trp) is an essential amino acid that can be converted to serotonin (a neurotransmitter) and both GABA and L-tryptophan are thought to promote sedation and sleep, and are effective treatments widely used for sleep disturbance and depression. GABA can promote a feeling of relaxation and reduce anxiety and L-tryptophan when converted into Serotonin can improve will power, mood and motivation. Action of the medicine in improvement of Melatonin.Action of different parts of the plant in modulating various Hypothalamo-pitutary hormones.