‘A Master Lipid Nullifier’
Liponil tablet is an Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine from Vaidyaratnam Oushadhasala . It is used for the treatment of dyslipidemia. It is a polyherbal formulation which contains 8 drugs- Vrkshamla, Guggulu, Pippali, Maricha, Sunti, Rasona, Upakunchika and Arjuna.
Indications : Dyslipidemia
Experiential wisdom : Dyslipidemia
Dosage : 1-2 tablets after food or as directed by the physician.
Ingredients :
Each tablet prepared out of :
Cumulative Pharmacological properties of the formulation:
Rasa: Thiktha madhura kashaya katu
Virya: Ushna
Vipaka: Katu
Cumulative Pharmacological action of the formulation:
Doshakarma: Tridoshahara,especially kaphahara
Dhathukarma :Medhohara
Agnikarma: Deepana,pachana
Anyakarma: Vibndhagna, hrdrogaghna, sulagna, sophagna, avaranagna.
Phytoconstituents used in :
Hydroxycitric acid (Garcinia gummi-gatta) , Guggulsterone Z& E (Commiphora mukul) , piperine (Piper longum) , Polyphenols, 6-shogaol, 6-gingerol, zingerone (Zingiber officinale), Allicin (Allium sativum), Thymoquinone ,Volatile oil, Nigelline(Nigella sativa) , arjunic acid, arjunolic acid, arjunin, arjunoglycoside , CoQ10 (Terminalia arjuna) .
Complications of dyslipidemia :