Discover the world of Ayurveda through scientific papers and research articles.
Effect Of Classical Ayurvedic Treatment In The Functional Improvement Of Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis
Classical Ashtavaidyan Ayurvedic therapy in the functional improvement of Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Case study
Traditional Ashtavaidyan Ayurvedic Therapy in the Functional Improvement of Patients with Gouty Arthritis
Classical Ashtavaidyan Ayurvedic Therapy in the functional improvement of patients of Psoriatic Arthritis - An open label, single arm exploratory clinical study
Classical Ashtavaidyan Ayurvedic therapy in the functional Improvement of patients with ankylosing spondylitis: an open label, Single arm clinical study
Therapeutic Effect of Abhaya Lavana with Sharapunkha Kwatha in the Management of Cholelithiasis – A Case Series
Preliminary physico chemical and chromatographical analysis of vasa arka (leaf of adathoda vasica nees) for development of dosage form for Nebulisation
Standardization of Different Plant Parts of Adhatoda Vasica Nees for Validation of its Quality Evaluation with Special Emphasis on Ayurveda
A case report on the clinical efficacy of Kankayana vati and Pilovos Ointment, a novel topical agent, in the management of second-degree Hemorrhoids
Comparative Study of Convolutional Neural Networks for Leaf Classification
Studies on anti-inflammatory activity of Vaidyaratnam Recopain Balm (Ayurvedic topical ointment) using carrageen in paw induced edema method in rats
Significance of gingers (Zingiberaceae) in Indian System of Medicine - Ayurveda