‘Reservoir Of Antioxidant’

 Energy plus is an Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine from Vaidyaratnam Oushadhasala, used in the treatment of general debility and anemia. It is prepared in liquid form and consists of  28 ingredients. Sarkara,  Kharjura and Ashwagandha are the main ingredients in this formulation.

Indication: General debility, Hypotension, Anaemia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

Expertiential wisdom :

Dosage15 to 20 ml twice daily after food or as directed by the physician.

Ingredients :
Each 10 ml prepared out of :

Cumulative Pharmacological properties of the formulation:

Rasa: Madhura thiktha katu kashaya amla

Guna: Snigdha

Virya: Samasithoshna

Cumulative Pharmacological action of the formulation:

Doshakarma: Tridoshahara especially vata pithahara

Dhathukarma: Rakthaprasadhana

Agnikarma: Deepana

Anyakarma: Balya, glanikshayapaha, vatarakthahara,brimhana.

Supportive Phytoconstituents : 

Quinidine , Withanolides ( Withania sominfera) , Glycyrrhizin ,18-β-glycyrrhetinic acid, Glycyrrhetinic acid and Glycyrrhizic acid ( Glycyrrhiza glabra) , Triterpenoid content ( Terminalia chebula ) , Galangin ( Alpinia galanga ) ,Turpethein ( Operculina turpethum) , Rubiadin (Rubia cordifolia) ,Berberine (Berberis aristata),savinin, calocedrin,  eudesmin and  Pterolinus B ( Pterocarpus santalinus ) ,êžµ-asarone and α-asarone ( Acorus calamus) , Curcumin ( Curcuma longa) ,Plumbagin (Plumbago zeylanica) , alkaloids, tannins and saponins (Tragia involucrata) ,CoQ10, arjunic acid  ( Terminalia arjuna),Tannins (Vetivera zizanioides) ,curculigoside A ( Curculigo orchioides) ,Taraxerol ,Scopoletin (Ipomoea digitata) , Sesquiterpenes and Amentoflavone  (Cyperus rotundus) ,Phosphorus, potassium , calcium magnesium, iron (Phoenix sylvestris) , Cinnamaldehyde and eugenol ( Cinnamomum zeylanicum) ,Epicatechin, vanillin, p-coumaric acid, trans-ferulic acid, ellagic acid (Elettaria cardamomum) , Reducing sugars, tannins and saponins(Mesua ferrea), Procyanidins (Cinnamomum tamala),Embelin ( Embelia ribes) ,Piperine ( Piper longum) .

Pharmacodynamics :

Modern point of view :

Iron deficiency is common and determination of bone marrow iron content via an aspirate may be required for a definitive diagnosis. In those RA patients with anaemia of chronic disease, the best therapy remains control of the underlying disease, most commonly with second line drugs and/or corticosteroids.

On analysing this  formula , it shows the following Pharmacological actions :

Ayurvedic view :

This formulation is predominant of madhura rasa and snigdha guna. Sarkara is the main ingredient in this formulation is balya ,vrisya ,rakthadoshagna, krimighna, dahagna, sramagna ,dhatuvivardhini and soshaghna. It contains Rasayana dravyas such as aswagandha, yashtimadhu, hareethaki, chitraka ,mushali and pippali. Rasayana dravyas acts as jaravyadhinashanam, increases bala (Strength), kanthi (Promotes glow), medha (intellect), prabha (lusture of skin), smrithi(Retention and recollection capacity), svara (Voice), vaksidhi (Stability of speech) and varna (complexion).  Aswagandha is   dhatuvridhikara.  Aswagandha, ksheeravidari, kharjura, sarkkara, duralabha and hareethaki are balya. Balya drugs   due to   guru  and Snigdha guna increases bala. Yashtimadhu is vrisya, vishagna, rakthadoshahara and glanikshayapaha. Hareethaki, mustha, twak, ela,kharjura, vidanga, maricha, sundi and pippali are dipana. Rasna, usheera, duralabha, chitraka maricha, sundi and pippali is having pachana property. Hareethaki is  also having anulomana property. It contains rakthaprasadhana drugs like Raktha chandana , priyangu and arjuna. Rasna is visheshat vatarogaghna. Arjuna is panduroghagna .It also contains brimhana dravyas like mushali, ksheeravidari and kharjura, which helps to  increase the depleted dhatu and to maintain the strength and weight of body. Hareethaki and vacha are medhya rasayana. So this formulation can be used in general debility conditions and anaemia especially in old age, extensive walkers, who regularly indulge in sexual activity ,those who have chronic diseases like rheumatoid arthriitis  in general and it is suggested for all people to take brimhana dravya in grishma rithu.

Conclusion :


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