‘Cares Rhythm Of Heart ’
Bruhath Nayopayam Kashayam is an Ashtavaidya traditional product, a modified form of Nayopayam Kashayam (Vaidyamanorama ). Nayopayam kashayam consists of only three ingredients- Bala, Jeeraka and Sunti. The additional ingredient in Bruhath Nayopayam Kashayam is Prisniparni or Sthira.
Classical indication: Hridayasritha vikaras, vata vikara.
Ashtavaidya practices: Hridayasritha vikara, Swasa, Kasa.
Experiential wisdom:
Each 10 ml prepared out of:
Dosage:15 ml twice daily,with four times of lukewarm water,half hour before food.
Cumulative Pharmacological properties
Cumulative Pharmacological action of the formulation
Doshakarma: Tridoshahara
Dhathukarma: Balya
Agnikarma: Deepana
Anyakarma: Swasahara, kasahara, hridayasritha vikara samana, gulmaghna.
Supportive Phytoconstituents:
Aqueous extract vasicinone, vasicine , vasicinol, phenolic glycoside, peptide, or low-molecular-weight polysaccharide, phenol content and flavonoid content.
Pharmacodynamics :
- Desmodium gangeticum
Prevent oxidative stress - The phenolic compounds in the aqueous extract of DG protects heart from attack of oxidative stress induced by ischemic reperfusion injury.
The cumin seed aqueous extract has an anti-allergic effect. The extract contains phenolic glycoside, peptide, or low-molecular-weight polysaccharide. UCAE signifificantly suppressed the degranulation of RBL-2H3 cells through the inhibition of signaling cascade via FceRI.
Bronchodilator- vasicinone, vasicine and vasicinol. Vasicine was the most active compound against histamine-induced bronchospasm.
Ayurvedic view
The action of Bruhath nayopayam kashayam in hridaya can be understood as-
Hridayashrita vikaras, swasa, kasa and hikka occurs due to pratiloma gati of vata . Rooksha guna is specifically mentioned as a nidana of vyana and prana vata associated with hridaya. This formulation has madhura rasa and madhura vipaka, snigdha guna and ushna virya thus prevent the vata prakopa.
Improving rasa dhatu and its circulation:
When the gati of vyana vayu become normal, the circulation of rasa dhatu become normal.Thus hridaya spandana (palpitation) due to pandu also comes to normalcy.
Increasing ojas or Vitality:
Both prisniparni and bala are balya, and improves ojas by madhura rasa.
Action in Abdominal lumps:
Gulma (abdominal lumps) and hridroga are having similar nidanas with involvement of different rogamargas. Ama pachana, agni deepana and kaphahara and vata anulomana properties of this formulation breaks the samprapthi of gulma (abdominal lumps).
In Dyspnoea due to secondary causes:
This can be most effective in swasa - dypnoea due to pandu as it improves rasa samvahana. This formulation has vatanulomana, pachana and deepana properties which corrects the Annavaha and udakavaha srotho dushti in swasa. Bala acts as Bronchodilator. Sthira is having hypocholesterolemic and anti hypertrophic effect . Nagara is having Antihypertensive properties. The cumin seed aqueous extract has an anti-allergic effect.
So this formulation is effective in swasa, hikka and kasa.
Action in Pregnency :
This formulation improves the circulation of rasa dhatu, thus decreases fatigue in Garbhini. Also it is good for curing swasa, kasa and chardi in Garbhini. In the 6th month of pregnancy, when snayu, sira, roma, bala, varna nakha, twak are formed in foetus, ksheerapaka with prisniparni and bala along with other drugs is advised by the Acharyas .