‘A Boon in Psoriasis’
Bruhath Danthapala Thailam is an Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine widely used in various skin manifestations by Ashtavaidhya tradition of Eledath Thaikkattu Mooss. It can be used as abhyanga over body and head in wide range of skin manifestations and scalp lesions. It consist of Jyothishmathi (Celastrus paniculatus), Bakuchi (Psoralea corylifolia), Swetha kutaja (Wrightia tinctoria) and Kera thaila (Cocos Nucifera). Bruhath Danthapala Thailam was made out of kalka of jyothishmathi & bakuchi along with swarasa of swetha kutaja and kera taila as base.
General Indication: Sidmam, Vicharchika, Darunakam, Vata-kaphaja twak vikara
Experiential Wisdom:
Dosage/Usage: To be applied on the affected parts for half to one hour before bath. For removing the oil, Mulgadi Choornam may be used, or as directed by the Physician.
Each 10 ml prepared out of:
Cumulative Pharmacological properties of the formulation:
Rasa: katu, thikta, kashaya, madhura
Guna: teekshna, grahi, laghu, snigdha
Veerya: samaseethoshnam
Cumulative Pharmacological action of the formulation:
Doshakarma: kapha-vatasamana, rakta-pittaghna
Anyakarma: deepana, rakta sodhini, kandu-visarpa hara, medya, rasayana, hridya, vrana-kushta-krimi hara, twachyam, kesya
Supporting phytochemical constituents:
Methanolic extracts, Psoralidin, Bakuchicin, Psoralen, Phenolic compound, Tryptanthrin, Ethanol extracts
Interpretation on Pharmacodynamics based on Pharmacology:
Ayurvedic view
The cumulative pharmacological action of the formulation consist of kapha-vatasamana, raktasodhana, kandu-visarpa hara, medya, rasayana, hridya, vrana-kushta-krimi hara, twachyam, and kesya. Thus it helps to reduce excess kleda and kapha which are the prime factor for all skin diseases especially in Psoriasis. It also controls the inflammatory cascade, excessive proliferation of keratinocytes, further progression of Psoriasis and provide healthy skin and appendages. Bruhath Danthapala Thaila can also be given in dandruff to reduce itching and flaking. Bakuchi is rakta-pitta hara by madhura-tikta rasa and seetha veerya. At the same time it also acts as kaphaghna by ruksha-grahi-laghu guna. Psoralens that present in Bakuchi possess photosensitizing activity and are used orally and topically in conjunction with ultraviolet irradiation for the therapy of psoriasis and vitiligo. By virtue of kashaya-tikta rasa, Swetha kutaja become rakta sodhana and by ushna & grahi property alleviates kapha dosha. Due to sophahara, sulahara, raktasodhana and kapha hara activity it can regulate the inflammatory cascade of Psoriasis and also arrest the excessive proliferation of keratinocytes. Due to the theekshna-ushna property, Jyothishmathi pacify kapha & kleda which is the prime factor for the development of Psoriasis.
Probable mode of action of Bhruhath Dantapala thailam